This is a simple app that let's you track car maintenance information by breaking it down into 3 basic aspects:
* Vehicle - store details such as year, make, model, trim, VIN, license plate, mileage
* Maintenance Task - each task just has a name and notes
* Maintenance Record - each record has a service date, the performed maintenance task, and service mileage
Several common tasks are automatically made available when a new vehicle is added, but these can always be edited. Notes can also be stored for each vehicle, as well as for each individual maintenance task, for and each individual maintenance record.
This app aims to provide an easy reference to store and lookup vehicle info when needed in scenarios such as:
* Vehicle license plate when paying for public parking
* How much you paid for and where you had car maintenance performed
* Part number for that oil filter you always buy
* The size of the oil pan drain plug so you'll always be prepared with the right wrench